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Chapter Fifteen



15   Chapter Fifteen: The Laws of Karma and Attraction   (Read the full chapter)










15a   Intro







15b   The Laws of Karma















15b1   Karma is a natural law













15b2   So, is the idea to make lots of good karma?




Audio Adjunct:

Listen to Section 4 of The Diamond Sutra Sung in English, titled, "How a Bodhisattva Practices Charity," with advice from a Buddhist perspective about the right attitude for a spiritual adept to have while offering: "When a Bodhisattva practices charity, his or her mind should not abide anywhere. A Bodhisattva should practice virtue without abiding in appearances, unmoved by sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, or things. A Bodhisattva should offer help without abiding in false notions of form."












15b3   Cleaning up your karmas













15c   The Law of Attraction




Audio Adjunct:

Florence Scovel Shinn was a popular possibility thinker, lecturer, and author of the early 20th century. Her books include, The Game of Life and How to Play It, and Your Word is Your Wand, which I'v found to be far more relevant to today’s world than more recent “manifestation gospel” teachings. Florence’s friendly advice is anchored in her study of Biblical teachings, which she has contemplated and made personal for herself and in her writings. If there is one author I would recommend for learning about the power of words and positive thinking in an intelligent and practical way, it is Florence Scovel Shinn. Here is a Libravox audio recording of chapter three from The Game of Life, “The Power of the Word,” read with volunteer Amy Conger’s sweet voice.





     Here's a portriat of Florence in 1903:


Play the entire reading of Florence's book by the same lovely narrator at this link.




15c1   Checking out some laws












15c2   Applying the laws










15c3   You are a co-creator
















15c4   Untangling the web of desires











15c5   Ask for the whole cosmos!











15d   Appreciating the Power of Words












15d1   Empowering your affirmations










15d2   How affirmations affect your mind











15d3   How affirmations transform the world












15d4   The Universe is always listening