The “Spirituality For Everyone” Course  Multimedia info

Chapter Ten



Part Three: Living a Spiritual Life


10   Chapter Ten: Cultivating Spiritual Virtues   (Read the full chapter)





10a   Intro





10b   Discovering How Spiritual Awareness Brings Virtues






10b1   Watching virtues come naturally




Audio Adjunct:

Listen to Section 22 of The Diamond Sutra Sung in English, titled, "The Role of Good Factors," where Buddha extols the benefits of good virtues (with a Buddhist style twist at the end).

"The practice of all good virtues, free from attachment to an ego, a personality, a being and a life, will result in the attainment of Supreme Enlightenment."







10b2   Recognizing the signs of a sage




Video Adjunct:

In this 11 minute video, I sing a Hindi bhajan (devotional song) composed by famed Indian singer Hari Om Sharan to describe the special qualities of a sage, in this song, using the example of my Guru, Baba Muktananda, who was also Hari Om Sharan's Guru. Includes English translation on-screen: "Supernatural powers serve at his feet; devotion itself fans him.His clothes are that of a mendicant, though he is a Paramahamsa (great soul).He is called the emperor of emperors because he awakens the knowledge beyond invisible and inaudible knowledge. His speech is that of the scriptures."












10b3   Understanding how one virtue leads to another




Video Adjunct:

This abhanga song was composed by famed sage Tulsidas Maharaj, with Marathi singing, translation, and some mridung drumming. In the song, Tulsidas advises himself and us on how the virtue of focusing on the Divine and singing the names of God can lead to other virtues in life. "Oh Tulsi, having come to this world, just try to accomplish two things: Give generously to all, and taste the name of the Lord."









10c   Gaining the Power of Truth through Honesty









10c1   Discovering the perks of being truthful













10c2   Being honest with yourself














10d   Understanding Humility
















10d1   Resting in the humility of your heart




Video Adjunct:

In this six-minute video, a young church singer named Ayanna Stokes sings Rickie Byar-Beckwith's powerful song, "All Fades Into God." I love this song anyway, but was especially moved by Ayanna's shy and lovely vocals. Ayanna's demeanor during and after this song is filled with a combination of strength, skill, and deep humility and surrender that clearly allowed divine grace to sing through her.













10d2   Protecting your virtues through humility














10e   Wishing Everyone Well With Compassion





10e1   Increasing your power of compassion through empathy




Audio Adjunct:

Listen to Section 3 of The Diamond Sutra Sung in English, titled, "The Bodhisattva's Vow," where Buddha describes an amazingly compassionate committment to continue to reincarnate into this world until all beings are liberated: "All living beings, whether born from the womb or hatched from an egg, whether they transform like butterflies or arise miraculously, whether they have a body or are formless, with or without form, whether capable of profound thoughts, or of no thoughts at all, each of these I vow to lead to Nirvana for their liberation from reincarnation."












10e2   Being compassionate in today’s world




Video Adjunct:

This video that I produced and edited as an offering to help our world was shown during a fundraiser for the Hunger Project with many stars in New York City. This five-and-a-half minute video highlights the dedicated and passionate work actor Raul Julia offered to propagate the goal of ending hunger worldwide in our lifetime. Even though Raul has since passed and hunger still exists, his messages continue to find a place in hearts of compassion and can inspire we who are still here to do what we can to help alleviate suffering for our brothers and sisters around the world.